Suzanne Mason Art

Bespoke Pet Portraits and Wildlife Illustration

Great Sheffield Art Show Winning Entry

About me

I'm a self-taught photo-realistic artist living in the beautiful Peak District National Park in Derbyshire.

I paint and draw for my own pleasure and undertake commissions mainly of pets but as you'll see in this website I'm happy to draw livestock, wild animals, birds and reptiles. 

I generally work from photos supplied by owners but I can also take a photo for you and work from that. The quality and choice of the original photo is critical to the final result. It can also be a lot of fun choosing or taking the 'right' photo.

Do please have a browse around my website. If you are considering a commission you can contact me from the 'Contact me' page. 

I also hope my art inspires some of you to pick up a pen or brush and start your own journey of creativity. 

Suzanne Mason


Here are some of my favourites from over the years, some commissions and some experiments in new mediums.

Click on any of the images and they'll open up with some background 'artist's notes'.